Why Us?

The ADR UBUNTU mediation platform has been designed and developed to ensure a simple, effortless, affordable and memorable experience for all users, individuals and businesses when it comes to resolving their disputes without going to Court.

Parties are welcome to refer any contractual, commercial, civil, criminal, labour, family and divorce related dispute to ADR UBUNTU for mediation. It will take a user minutes, from the comfort of their own homes or offices to access the platform, create their profile and immediately register disputes.

To ensure that justice is accessible, through a process of mediation, all businesses and individuals in South Africa will be allowed to create free profiles on and register disputes at no upfront cost through the ADR UBUNTU platform.  

Once the dispute is registered and the Parties agree that the dispute can be mediated via the platform, a mediator will be appointed by the Registrar to assist the Parties in resolving the dispute lodged. 

A set and agreed upon cost as per fee schedule will then be charged for the services of the mediator to be appointed. The party initiating the mediation (Applicant) will be responsible for the payment of the fee.

Once the set fee is paid the Registrar will then allocate a time and date for the mediation session to begin. If resolved the mediator will assist the Parties in drafting and finalizing a settlement agreement.  

If the Parties are unable to resolve the dispute, the mediation comes to an end and the Parties are then at liberty to either (a) follow the traditional litigation route through the Courts, or (b) refer the dispute to arbitration for resolution. The latter being the more cost effective, time efficient and confidential option to consider.